Christine Mancinas serves on DNAngels’ Board as Treasurer, and is also a former client of DNAngels. Christine’s NPE discovery in 2020 led her to DNAngels, and through their assistance, found her biological father and entire paternal family including two aunts, one uncle, and multiple new cousins.
Christine is based in Southern California, and is a Director of Sales for a large retail corporation. Christine comes with over 25 years of experience in large corporation sales, P&L management, new business development & scaling as well as business leadership and employee acquisition and development. In addition to Christine’s extensive expertise in retail sales, she has previously served as Treasurer for a Southern California home owner’s community for a period of over 5 years.
Christine resides outside of Los Angeles with her husband Tim and son Van, while their daughter Jordyn is a full-time college student outside of San Diego. When Christine is not working, she can be found traveling with her husband on journeys inspired by wine and cooking shows and enjoying new surroundings and experiences. Christine has a love for any good book and especially enjoys the self-help genre, and hopes to write a book one day chronicling her journey through her NPE discovery