In the summer of 1982, in southwest Atlanta, Georgia, twenty-four-year-old flight attendant, Pamela Barnett Hogan, thinks that life is as good as it gets. Then, the unthinkable happens… a devastating tragedy strikes she witnesses her brother’s murder, and barely escapes with her own life. In that very instant, Pamela’s world is transformed into a spiraling web of heartbreak, suspicion, and betrayal. As Pamela learns more about her brother’s cold-blooded murderer, her vivid, reoccurring nightmares intensify. Adding insult to injury, her husband, Ryan Hogan, confesses to an adulterous affair with a younger woman. Never one to give up, Pamela continues to endure each and every low blow that life throws her way. But when her child is kidnapped she must somehow find the strength to get through. When love finally manages to find its way back into her heart, Pamela begins to feel as if her life is on track again. However, fate has yet another unbelievable ordeal for Pamela Hogan an ordeal that forces her to reveal her secret guilt and to face her deepest fear.
WHEN NEVER COMES AGAIN A Novel, takes the reader on a riveting journey of pulse-pounding suspense and unexpected, sexy romance. Filled with jaw-dropping, page-turning drama that makes you cry and makes you laugh, there is never a dull moment.
WHEN NEVER COMES AGAIN – A Novel will entertain, intrigue, and seize the hearts of women’s fiction readers everywhere, regardless of the reader’s sub-genre preference.
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