Celebrating Three Years and 3500 Clients

Celebration of 3 Years and 3500 Cases


When DNAngels was incorporated on September 19, 2019, we had Big Dreams.  Little did we know that we would help 3,500 clients BEFORE we made it to this milestone anniversary!

That’s right!  As of September 13th, we have helped 3,500 individuals identify their birth families! So we have two reasons to celebrate this week!  3 years and 3,500 clients!  To say we could not have done it without each and every client, volunteer, donor and cooperative family member is an understatement!  We are grateful to each and every client who trusted us to tell their story, each volunteer who put time and love into a case, each donor who “paid it forward” so that another individual could identify their truth, and each family member who helped us by filling in the gaps when we needed more information.  This accomplishment could not have been reached without every single one of you.   Because of YOU, we have been able to donate 175 DNA kits to clients!

So how do we get to our next 3500 clients?  We need you to refer adoptees, donor-conceived persons, and NPEs looking for their biological families, and continue to make donations to help us target test client matches and put the word out about the work we do!  We believe that everyone has the RIGHT TO KNOW their heritage, the right to have access to updated and accurate medical histories, and the right to know WHERE THEY CAME FROM!

This Thank You comes from our Board of Directors – which is composed of Adoptee, Donor Conceived, NPEs, and all 64 volunteers that currently lend their time and talents to DNAngels.



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