
Please reference EIN number 84-2987619

Every year, DNAngels accepts hundreds of new cases from adoptees, donor-conceived, and Not Parent Expected (NPEs) with biological questions due to surprise parental results following a home DNA test. To support this mission, we rely 100% on the generosity of donations.

DNAngels became a nonprofit (501c3) organization in September 2019. The US Chamber defines a nonprofit as an organization that qualifies for tax-exempt status by the IRS because its mission and purpose are to further a social cause and provide a public benefit. Nonprofit organizations include hospitals, universities, national charities, and foundations. It is perfectly acceptable for a non-profit organization to charge for services/goods. (examples: a hospital charges for its services, a university charges tuition) and they can collect donations.

As a 501(c)3, your tax-deductible donation of any amount supports the life-changing efforts of DNAngels. Your gift assists those in need of biological answers and emotional support within our growing NPE/Donor Conceived/Adoptee community. Donations are used toward expenses including (but not limited to) research sites, domain fees and website maintenance, and our grant program.

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