Jessica Helms

Jessica Helms is an Intake Specialist. Jessica was born and raised in North Carolina.  She came to DNAngels as an NPE, and once her case was solved, she joined the Intake Team in hopes to give back to the organization, and help others facing journeys similar to hers.  Jessica gained 2 more brothers and a sister that she never knew, and she also has 2 more nieces. Her story does have a happy ending, but there have been a lot of emotions involved.  Jessica is a mom of an 11 year old that keeps her busy. She loves going camping, boating, and participating in other outdoor activities with her family.   She also has a 3 year old rescue dog and has fostered other animals. For the last 9 years she has been a childcare center director and loves every minute of her work.   In September 2022, she moved to a new center to keep it from being closed down. She loves being a director and helping teachers, children, and families!  If it isn’t obvious, she has an incredibly huge heart and loves helping people and making a difference in their lives.

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