This Month’s Volunteer of the Month is someone we have recognized before, but she is so amazing, we could really recognize her EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH. She wears so many hats, from overseeing all the new Angels and Researchers that apply, to working grandparent cases, to speaking and exhibiting on our behalf, to making shirts and badges for conference attendees… Yes, I’m talking about Aimee Rose Haynes!!
Laura would tell you, “Aimee has always been a standout in the crowd and has previously won VOM. Recently Aimee has went out of her way to create and execute a series on TikTok called Lunch with Aimee. She gives a brief overview of our cases and their conclusions without giving details that can identify the client or their family. She has also begun representing us at conferences along with our team that travels. When we were asked to be a vendor at the Ohio Genealogy Society Annual Conference, it wasn’t in the budget for DNAngels to send a representative, so Aimee and Kelly dug into their own pockets and funded their own way to represent us. Aimee attended RootsTech this year along with Heidi and made critical contacts to help spread the word about our mission. She was on a team of 4 that gave an in-person presentation at the Untangling our Roots Summit in Louisville, KY and she also gave a similar presentation on DNA Day with our team. In addition to all of this, Aimee is our paid services specialist and takes on all cases involving the identification of a missing grandparent or brick walls. Thank you Aimee for standing out in the crowd and making DNAngels look good!”
Not only is Aimee super smart, and super involved in DNAngels, but you can always count on her as a friend when you are in need. She is a mama bear with a heart of gold. She is married to her handsome hubby, Chris, and has two amazing daughters, Sapphire and Jasmyn, and perhaps the most spoiled dog on the planet, Eevee Grace.