Never Give Up


Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dinah. I will be guest blogging for DNAngels for the foreseeable future. I am a recent blogger. I started my personal blog in October 2020. You can identify me at:

I’m also a former client of DNAngels. So I have an understanding of this path that we all identify ourselves on. So… Let’s figure some things out together, shall we?

Our January topic is:

But what does that mean? And what does it mean for each individual? Let’s explore that…

Never give up… First of all, on yourself! This journey is fraught with angst and often with rejection. New family may or may not be open to meeting us. Sometimes they come around in time. Sometimes they don’t. But it’s important that you never, ever let their actions define you or how you see yourself. Never give up on yourself. You are worthy! You must never take their rejection personally. They are acting out of fear. It has nothing to do with you or who you are.

Never give up… On your hope of identifing your family. Sometimes it takes years for the right person to test in order for the pieces to fall into place. It’s so easy to fall into the mindset that you’re the odd man out, that everyone else is just luckier than you are. Don’t go there. Trust me, you’re not jinxed. Every DNA story is different. The complexities of your search story are just facts. They’re not a reflection of you or your deservingness.

The poet Rumi says you should ‘act as if everything is rigged in your favor.’ -Stop acting like an underdog. Trust that it will happen in precisely the right way and in the right time.

Never give up….on your pursuit of and belief in your own wholeness. You are whole and complete with or without your missing biological family. Never let this journey define you. While, on one hand, we have spent most of our lives feeling as though something is missing…on the other hand, it’s important to remember that what’s missing isn’t what defines us/you. You are whole and complete within yourself. Your knowledge of your origin story and your ancestry will enhance who you are. It’s not WHO you are. Who you are is built by your experiences and your decisions and your ethics. Be proud of what you’ve survived. Let your origin enhance your life, not define it.

Never give up…on your optimism. As long as there’s a tomorrow on the horizon, there’s hope for more answers to come your way!

You’re not alone. We’re all in this together!

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