Our reputable, talented Search Angels are among the top in their respective fields. We care about our clients and our community and will work tirelessly to achieve exceptional results for you.
Laura Olmsted
Laura is DNAngels’ Founder and Executive Director. She has more than a decade of experience in the high-paced world of Corporate Sales Management, where she won multiple awards for performance and technique. Laura also served in the healthcare industry as a licensed Navigator for the Affordable Care Act. Her professional
Kate Penney Howard
Kate is the Director of Human Resources and Genetic Genealogist. She is a full-time pastor, wife, and mother. She is not an adoptee or NPE, but her generous spirit and talent for interpreting DNA started her down the path of helping others identify their stories. She began by helping a
Jennifer Schweibinz
Jennifer Schweibinz is a Genetic Genealogist. Jennifer found her love for Genealogy when she stumbled across an old family secret. As she rolled up her sleeves and tapped into her Jersey Girl stubbornness, she relentlessly worked until she found answers. After that, Jennifer found herself volunteering as intake manager for
Heidi Keuper
Heidi is an Angel Team Lead and Genetic Genealogist. Heidi is blessed to have her most pleasurable pastimes also become her life’s pursuit. She truly loves to search, then solve. She will diligently search until she uncovers the elusive truth. Whether she is solving puzzles, scrutinizing records to identify one’s
Rachel Kiley Trout
Rachel is an Angel Team Lead and a Genetic Genealogist. She is a New England girl at heart, born and raised in a suburb of Boston. Rachel’s father was the youngest of 17 children born to two Irish immigrants, who were both young children during the final potato famine in
Ashlee Krump
Ashlee is a Genetic Genealogist and the Research Team Lead. Ashlee is passionate about bringing families together. As a Genetic Genealogist, she helps individuals uncover their roots, reconnect with lost relatives, and piece together their unique family stories. Her journey into genetic genealogy began as a personal mission—to solve the
Lara Schultz
Lara Schultz is a Genetic Genealogist and DNAngels’ Staffing Coordinator. Her interest in genealogy began in elementary school as she spent hours with her grandfather writing out her family tree and interviewing his very large Italian immigrant family. This interest further grew when she began searching for her mother-in-law’s biological
Kim Reichelt
Kim Reichelt is a Genetic Genealogist. By day, she is a management consultant who builds mathematical simulation models to solve strategic problems. This skill set served her well when she discovered genetic genealogy after her husband bought her test kits for Ancestry and 23&Me. That fateful purchase led to the
Amy Groessl
Amy Groessl is Search Angel. She grew up in rural West Michigan and has lived in Chicago for most of her adult life. As an adoptee, Amy became interested in researching her biological lineage as a teenager, and sleuthing became a passion early on. With only non-identifying information about her
Linda Grinnell
Linda Grinnell is a Search Angel. She has been a genealogist since she was in her twenties and well before the advent of DNA testing. Since she had already helped a number of friends and relatives identify their birth parents, volunteering for DNAngels was a natural progression. She began in
Erika Korowin
Erika Korowin is a Search Angel. Her interest in genealogy began in elementary school, when she created a family tree – back to her eight immigrant great-grandparents – for a school project. Since 2016, she has researched her own family in earnest, solving a few family mysteries along the way.
Brenda Gudino
Brenda Gudino is a Search Angel and Puerto Rico Team Lead, and a member of National Genealogical Society (NGS), International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG), Association of Professional Genealogists (APG), Sociedad Puertorriquena de Genealogica (SPG). She received her certificate (CG) in Genealogical Research from Boston University. She is presently working on
Amy Frederick
Amy Frederick is a Search Angel. She has always been a person who is quick to offer to help others. Her altruistic nature will keep her fighting for answers for anyone who reaches out to her with a problem or mystery. Amy’s love of genealogy began with the search for
Cindy Billingsley Arocha
Cindy is a Search Angel and Executive Administrator. Her interest in genealogy began more than three decades ago when she embarked on tracing her own family lineage. Adopting traditional methods, she diligently explored her ancestry by frequenting libraries, soliciting documents through mail, and meticulously jotting down notes. In more recent
Kat Cunningham
Kat is a Search Angel. Kat’s fascination with genealogy sprouted in her childhood, observing her mother meticulously constructing the family tree on her maternal side. As the years passed, this memory ignited Kat’s curiosity to delve not only into her maternal lineage but also into the ancestry of her father.
Deena Passmore
Deena is a Search Angel. As a little girl, Deena loved sitting with her parents and grandmother learning about their family history. She memorized the stories until she could tell them just as if she had been there. In the late 1990’s, Deena began her search in earnest. She combed
Carolanne Murphy
Carolanne is a Search Angel and UK Team Lead . Her journey into genetic genealogy was sparked by her father-in-law’s quest to uncover his unknown biological father, born during a time of secrecy in a mother and baby home. Through diligent self-education via books and online resources, Carolanne skillfully navigated the
Lorie Cousin
Lorie Cousin, is a Search Angel and Long-Term Team Lead. She grew up in Maryland and currently resides in Virginia. Her fascination with genealogy began years ago, watching her father meticulously construct their family tree using pencil, graph paper, and ruler. As she grew older, Lorie encouraged her father to
Julie Mertz
Julie is a Search Angel. She became interested in genealogy after the passing of her father, when she realized that she didn’t know very much about her family history. After taking a DNA test, she learned that something was not quite right. That led to learning as much about genetic
Tess McIntosh
Tess is a Search Angel. Tess fell in love with genealogy when as a teen she would go through her step-grandmother’s genealogy research. After her grandmother passed away, she felt honored to be given her grandmother’s work/research on the family. As her fascination with DNA and genealogy grew, Tess came
Kristina Wood
Kristina Wood is a Search Angel. She was born and raised in Alabama. Kristina graduated from Jacksonville State University in 2015 with a bachelor's in social work. Kristina has always had a love for history and genealogy. She started working on her own family's genealogy while still in high school.
Tara Crawford
Tara Crawford is a Search Angel. She was born and raised in California & has lived mostof her life in the southern part of California. Tara has been a licensed Cosmetologistsince 2003 and currently works as a trainer and educator for a large national haircutfranchise. Tara has always had an
Sheridan Steffler
Sheridan Steffler is a dedicated Search Angel with DNAngels, with a passion for familyhistory research spanning over 25 years. Sheridan earned a certificate in Family HistoryResearch from BYU-Idaho in 2023, complementing her BS degree in Psychology. Inaddition to her research endeavors, Sheridan also imparts her love for music byteaching Elementary
Jessica Deem
Jessica Deem is a Search Angel at DNAngels, where she passionately helps individualsuncover their family histories and stories. With over 15 years of experience in genealogicalresearch, she enjoys sharing fascinating family tales and discovering new connections. Outsideof her work, she loves spending quality time with her husband, daughter, and close
Melinda Figueroa
Melinda Figueroa is a Search Angel. She has been recognized as Volunteer of the Month twice— first in May 2024 and again in January 2025 — reflecting her exceptional skills, commitment,and passion for our mission. In October 2023, she completed the University of New Haven’sgraduate certificate program in forensic genetic