Aimee is DNAngels’ Associate Director of Staffing and serves on the Board as Liaison to Staff, and she’s also a Lead Genetic Genealogist. Aimee comes to DNAngels with a medical background and was previously an officer and board member of a non-profit organization focused on the elderly and children. Aimee leads a team of Angels and has helped to develop our training and mentorship programs. She is a member of the National Genealogical Society, NGS, and the International Society of Genetic Genealogy, ISOGG. She has taken multiple certificate courses through the National Genealogy Society and attended numerous webinars and workshops.
Aimee’s personal journey goes back 18 years. In 2014, her interest morphed into studying autosomal DNA (focusing on single nucleotide polymorphisms) in search of a diagnosis for her daughter, who has a rare medical disorder. Between Aimee’s diligence and identifing the right specialists, her daughter could finally be tested and appropriately treated. Aimee went on to solve several family genealogical mysteries.
Aimee will be one of DNAngels speakers for the Untangling Our Roots Seminar and has been Interviewed by the Cherokee Phoenix ( for her work with DNAngels.
In her spare time, Aimee enjoys photography, roller coasters, and visiting Cedar Point amusement park with her family. Aimee realizes that without help from our Search Angels, many of our clients would never know their true biological parents. She takes great pride and feels blessed to share her knowledge and gifts helping families reunite, answering questions, and ensuring each client does not feel alone in their journey.