Lorie Cousin

Lorie Cousin, is a Search Angel and Long-Term Team Lead. She grew up in Maryland and currently resides in Virginia. Her fascination with genealogy began years ago, watching her father meticulously constructLorie Cousin their family tree using pencil, graph paper, and ruler. As she grew older, Lorie encouraged her father to take a DNA test, hoping to uncover new relatives. As 100% Ashkenazi Jews, her family hoped to find unknown descendants of ancestors who escaped the Holocaust. Lorie continues her quest to discover new family members as a tribute to her late father.

Solving family mysteries through DNA has become Lorie’s true calling. She has a deep love for solving all types of puzzles, from logic problems and jigsaw puzzles to math puzzles, word puzzles, and DNA puzzles. With 33 years of experience as a forensic examiner at the FBI Laboratory, she honed her puzzle-solving skills daily. Now retired, Lorie dedicates her time fully to working on cases with DNAngels.

In addition to her formal education, Lorie continually expands her knowledge by taking courses and attending conferences in the field of genetic genealogy. She is a member of the National Genealogical Society (NGS) and the International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG). Lorie also volunteers with the DNA Doe Project, using DNA to give the names back to unidentified human remains.

When she is not unraveling genealogical mysteries, Lorie enjoys making jewelry, spending time with her husband, biking, watching sports, and caring for her rescue cats.

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