
As the popularity of at-home DNA testing continues to rise, so does our client base. We receive many requests for our services on a daily basis. We anticipate the number of these requests to steadily increase as our organization’s online social media footprint increases, and our clients recommend us to others that would benefit from our services.

The majority of clients we serve fall into three categories:

  • NPEs
    Often we work with individuals who are NPE (Non-Paternity Event, or what many also refer to as, Not-Parent Expected). NPEs typically have lived their entire lives with the mistaken belief the person who raised them was their biological parent, only to discover this was not the case after taking a DNA test.
  • Adoptee or Late-Discovery Adoptee
    An individual who has legally become part of a family other than their biological parents’.
  • Donor Conceived
    Donor conception means creating a child using donated sperm, donated eggs or embryos.

Client Services

DNA mapping combined with ancestral research and interpretation is a costly service, often running as high as several thousand dollars. The cost of these services is often beyond the budget of the average person, especially considering there is no guarantee of results.

As a nonprofit organization, our services are funded through donations made from our satisfied clients. These generous donations pay it forward allowing DNAngels to maintain access to the resources needed to continue to search for biological parents at no charge. However, searching for other relatives requires a payment of $500.00 per grandparent, or $750.00 per great grandparent or “brick wall”. Please note all fees are paid in advance and refunds will not be issued. Our team will work very hard and use all of our resources available to get you as close as possible to your truth. Again, it is our belief that everyone deserves to have access to their own genetic genealogy.

Once a case is solved, our team will provide the client with as much contact information for biological family members as possible. Actual contact is left to the discretion of the client as each journey is unique and personal. Our staff and fellow clients are always willing to offer suggestions and lend support based from their own personal experiences.

What To Expect

Each person’s case is reviewed on an individual basis. Our intake team first conducts a confidential interview with each person, where they gather the necessary information to determine if an individual meets our criteria to proceed. If accepted as a client, your Intake Specialist (IS) will place you on a waiting list and provide information for the next steps of preparation before being assigned a Search Angel. Your IS will stay with you until your case officially opens and will help you prepare.

DNAngels takes client privacy very seriously. For this reason, once a case is accepted, all clients are invited to join our exclusive DNAngels Client Group on Facebook by the IS. Only past and current DNAngels clients have access to this private support group.

We encourage all members to lend support, advice or to ask questions in reference to their specific DNA journey. In this room, many discussions take place on various situations and experiences, all of which concern DNA test results and the journey that follows receipt of these results.

Once your case opens, our team of Search Angels will utilize multiple resources to research each person’s family lineage, such as life event records, newspapers and many other forms of media and documentation – all of which provide data from which an accurate genetic genealogical history can be established.

Clients are required to be accessible to their Angel(s) as questions or needs arise and will take an active role in their journey. We will work with each person’s schedule to ensure a mutually convenient time.

While we understand occasionally some may feel especially anxious for their case to be solved, we do request the courtesy of accepted clients not working with other Search Angels outside of our group. “Doubling up” takes valuable resources from both our group and another, forcing other clients in need to wait. If at any time you feel discouraged or concerned, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of your team to resolve any issues.

We also offer a more public Facebook support group room for clients, spouses, siblings, friends and anyone impacted or in need of support relating to a DNA test result. While not as private as our client group, this group still requires a request to be accepted. Please visit our homepage Facebook button if you would like to join.

Support and Advocacy

The goal of DNAngels is to provide each client with answers and information based on often-times confusing DNA test results. Further, as a natural extension of our mapping and interpretation services, DNAngels aims to provide advocacy and support to each individual with whom we work.

The relief, healing and recovery process following an understanding of one’s individual DNA test results is something DNAngels not only empathizes with but more importantly, in line with our mission, is dedicated to providing to each client at no cost.

DNAngels provides a number of support and advocacy resources to our clients. If you or someone you love is having a difficult time dealing with your results or search, please alert your DNAngels team right away. Always remember, we are here to help and really do understand the roller coaster of emotions each person experiences.

Our relationship with every client is unique, much like each person’s DNA. Regardless of the situation, we maintain an open-ended relationship with every client. While some individuals only desire a basic understanding of DNA test results, others require a more involved approach, often including fellowship and networking, all of which DNAngels provides on a completely confidential basis.

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