Volunteer of the Month – September 2021

Tara Dawn

Congratulations to Tara Dawn Moore, our Volunteer of the Month for September!

Have you ever had a co-worker that it didn’t matter what the task was, if you needed a volunteer, they were always the first person to raise their hand, sign up, or just show up to help? They know just enough about everything to get themselves into trouble.

Need bracelets or keychains or shiny things made? She’s on it. Got a tough case no one wants to touch? She’ll take it. Need emails answered? Consider them sent. Spreadsheets? Re-evaluate ALL the hold cases? Done and done. Laura has to hold Tara Dawn back from overextending herself.

She is so helpful and works tirelessly to make sure DNAngels achieves all our goals. It should not surprise anyone that Tara Dawn is a Volunteer of the Month; and September is her month to shine.

Kelly Grace would tell you that Tara is her biggest competition; and her biggest cheerleader. They bonded over their super-stalking abilities and love of animals. Whenever she – or any Angel – needs a favor, they know they can count on Tara Dawn to be there to help. “You can’t help but love her. She may be quiet, but she’s sweet and she’s smart and I know she has my back.

Laura says “way back when I worked as Tara’s Search Angel, I took an immediate liking to her. She already knew how to work her case, she just needed the reassurance and guidance to lock it into place. It was a no-brainer to offer her a position when she indicated she wanted to volunteer. She has been successful at learning the inside tricks of the trade and her clients adore her!” Tara is not only invaluable to the DNAngels, but much loved by her newly found family as the treasured “baby sister”.

She has a heart as big as Chicago and identifys room for her family, friends, clients, and every animal she has ever met. She exemplifies what an “Angel” is – kind and generous in every aspect of her life.

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