Volunteers of the Month – August 2022

Kat C
To Kat C., DNA is related to food. Give her a case where their ancestors are from Italy; she starts to crave pasta and pizza. Poland or Ukraine, like her own DNA and pierogies, are on her brain. Mexico? Tacos, of course, GOOD Tacos! Kat hails from a small town in Michigan and currently lives in Toledo, Ohio. She lives with her husband and feline companions and shares many traits with the animals she takes her nickname from – she has an insatiable curiosity that drives her in everything she does.
Currently, Kat is the Assistant Team Lead for Team Kate, the Editor of the DNAngels Newsletter, and Manager of the Birth Parent Support Group, and has served on the Giving Tuesday and Christmas in July committees. She is a creative nerd by her own definition. “I adore Kat,” says Assistant Director of Administration Kelly Grace, “She can look at a difficult case and identify those low cm matches that bring the answers. She is one of my favorite people to work a case with because I know when I get frustrated, she’ll break me out of it with something silly. She’s up all night working, and I often identify her waiting to greet me in the morning with her exuberance over whatever she discovered overnight.” Her Team Lead, Kate Penney Howard, says, “Kat is amazing! She pays such good attention to detail. She’s cheerful and encouraging. She’s a great co-lead for our team and totally picked up my slack while I was gone/sick in July. THANK YOU, KAT, for being so awesome.” Project Manager Renee Kraft says, “Kat is a team player; she’ll roll up her sleeves and help get the job done. She’s super sweet too.” “Kat is amazing as an artist, and lead and mentor. She has the patience of a saint! She is quick to help when needed, even on the most tedious tasks,” says Assistant Director of Staffing Aimee Rose Haynes, and Research Lead Ashlee Krump says, “Kat is so kind and empathetic. She always tries to see the other side of the emotional issues we have to deal with, which is incredibly important. Her initiative in the Birth Parent Support group has been outstanding!”
Kat is not an NPE but has uncovered more than one in her family tree, including a half-sister. She got her start helping other family members. Because of her ability to see DNA connections and infinite patience for sussing out those important small matches, Laura Olmsted noticed her when they worked a case together. Laura offered her a chance to join DNAngels. Her first case was an adoption that she worked with Kelly Grace, who was impressed by her skills and empathy for the client, who still holds a special place in Kat’s heart.

Tammy R.
Tammy joined the intake team in May 2022 to help others who identify themselves in the same situation she was in – with a DNA surprise! She says her motivations were “selfish.” Still, any client or staff member who has interacted with her knows that she is anything but selfish! She is sweet, bright, energetic, and outgoing. The word “effervescent” comes to mind when speaking to her. “She’s a ray of sunshine,” says Associate Director of Administration Kelly Grace, “she is sweet and caring, and she’s someone you immediately want to know.” Her Intake Team Lead Enjoli DeLeon says, “She has such a big heart and loves getting to help people identify their truth. She is genuine, kind, thoughtful, and loving. DNAngels is a better organization with Tammy in it!”
Tammy’s big heart encompasses everyone she meets, from her Husband, three children, and three grandchildren to her three standard poodles. She describes herself as a “dog fanatic,” and she helps many types of canine animals, from volunteering for a sanctuary for wolves and wolf-dog mixes to helping to arrange a network of rides for Australian Shepherds on their way to their new homes.
Team Lead Kate Penney Howard says, “Tammy was my client, and after we finished our case, she kept sending me her DNA matches who were looking for their truth. I have loved working with her. She’s thoughtful and funny and so passionate about what we do.” Whatever Tammy does, she puts her whole heart into it. Whether it’s baking carrot cakes or spending time with her family. In her words, “the world is lacking in love, and we need more love in this world.”
Tammy’s favorite song is LeAnn Womack’s “I Hope You Dance,” and her favorite color is purple. In talking with her about her work in rehabilitating wolves, she says, “it takes a while for them to get used to you and become familiar with you, but once they are, you are part of their pack.” Research Team Lead Ashlee Krump says of her, “Tammy is amazing at screening! She picks up requests so fast that we often were hitting “accept” at the same time. She is indispensable.” It would seem that Tammy has found her pack with DNAngels, and we are glad she runs with us.